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【英语口语】 2016-03-20本文已影响

  网络游戏,又称 “在线游戏”,简称“网游”。指以互联网为传输媒介,以游戏运营商服务器和用户计算机为处理终端,以游戏客户端软件为信息交互窗口的旨在实现娱乐、休闲、交流和取得虚拟成就的具有可持续性的个体性多人在线游戏。那么你知道网游用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。


  online game


  web game


  网游世界 Online Game

  网游广告 IGAD

  电玩网游 Electronic Games

  神话网游 THEOS OL

  网游社区 Fos

  网游加密 StarForce MMOG

  教育网游 educational game online

  军事网游 Military Web Games


  1. In particular, low - cost online games in the industry estimate that more so.


  2. Current entitiesactual. Address the going concern on its on - going fast development.


  3. How can the network was the envy of all top - level equipment?


  4. Industry to gather strength, to make contributions for online games.

  能够聚集行业力量, 为网游做贡献.

  5. It is recursive portal, be still transition swims for the net company?

  是回归门户, 还是转型为网游公司?

  6. Play online games frequently out garbled Korea, himself wrote a months use.

  玩韩国网游经常出乱码, 自己写了个翻译工具用.

  7. It requires very experienced online games with the joint enterprise.


  8. Teng also interact naturally divided into the domestic network sci - fi originator.


  9. At the same time, Russia's future development focus will shift online games.

  同时, 俄罗斯的未来发展重心将向网游转移.

  10. He discloses, the gain of company future swims stake net.

  他透露, 公司未来的盈利将押宝网游.

  11. Swim in numerous net in, which ability is Chinese player love most?

  在众多的网游中, 哪一个才是中国玩家的最爱?

  12. As I look at him playing, unwittingly into a new era - online.

  就在我看他玩的时候, 不知不觉进去了一个全新的时代 —— 网游.

  13. They about downloading music, playing online games and engaging in social networking.

  他们热衷于下载音乐 、 玩网游和建立网络社交关系.

  14. Swim through dedicated network grandly of content run, successive development is platform.

  盛大通过专注网游内容的运作, 循序渐进发展为平台.

  15. Encourage the child to play a net to swim, appropriate?

  鼓励孩子玩网游, 是否合适?


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